InterCom is a home for everyone with an international outlook on education and culture. No other network provides a meeting-point of this kind.

InterCom has been set up in response to the UK's withdrawal from Erasmus Plus and other European programmes and their related information services such as Eurodesk. However, InterCom also looks beyond Europe.

• to build a community of all organisations in the UK which are offering or planning international education, cultural or youth projects, and to provide a sense of solidarity among this community
• to enable international partnerships
• to facilitate exchange of knowledge, information and experience
• to showcase examples of innovation and good practice
• to convene regular meetings and discussions on relevant topics

• to develop effective networking tools through the InterCom website
• to create a library of useful links and resources
• to grow membership across the UK and internationally
• to offer webinars and other events presented for and by members
• to advertise international opportunities open to young people
• to become a self-sustaining service through membership

InterCom works in close partnership with the UK Global Alliance, and supports the Alliance's objectives in promoting the importance of internationalism in education.

InterCom is an initiative of the Centre for International Learning and Leadership (CILL).